So, the only problem for Firestorm and other viewer users is getting the initial About Land panel open. Most viewers have the exact same panels for setting up the environment. However, there are LOTS of nice things in the viewer and some interesting panels to allow photographers and machinamists more control over the render. She uses the Black Dragon viewer in her tutorial for the source of the illustrations. The experiments iterate quickly, so it is hard for me to keep up with what is where or how what works. I consider all of Niran’s viewers to be user interface experiments. So, while it would help those that play in other virtual worlds, I don’t know what it would do for those new to VR/VW. But, I haven’t been involved in the Lab’s usability testing.
I take Niran’s point that this feature is common in other 3D software and should be available in the SL Viewers as valid. Don’t panic…they just work slightly different now, instead of opening as soon as you press down your right mouse button, they will open when you release it and only if you didn’t move your mouse over a certain radius from your initial click position. One big upside of it is you can hold down right mouse and drag around to move your camera around after you zoomed on something, without having to old ALT or CTRL or Shift or any other of these pesky keys and it looks and works much smoother than moving your cam with keyboard. I think there’s not much to explain how it works, you hold down your right mouse button and drag your mouse around and kazam, your camera/avatar rotates/turns around, something pretty much every MMO has and which SL is lacking very badly. I have Niran’s explanation that appears in the blog after the video. The video does not really explain what is happening. This viewer has changes to the UI and how one controls their avatar.
The announcement is here: Emergency Update Niran announced it a couple of days ago, I’m just now getting around to mentioning it. Niran has an ‘emergency’ release of Black Dragon out.